Web designing in a powerful way of just not an only professions. We have tendency to believe the idea that smart looking .

about Avyan Soft

Best Software Development
and Technology Solutions

AvyanSoft offer IT expertise in software,
website, and application (iOS & Android) development;
UI/UX design; and digital marketing

Strategy Growth

Health Valuable

since 23rd July , 2019


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Years Experince
Innovative IT Solutions

We’ve Been Thriving In 5+ Years

Your Trusted Partner for Custom Software Development
and Technology Solutions

Our mission

we aim to build long-term relationships with our clients .

About History

Continuous improvement and adoption
of the latest technologies

Our Partners

We believe in taking a holistic approach that includes building strong relationships .

AyanSoft IT Solutions

We’ve been stay 15 years

We ensure our IT services meet the highest standards through rigorous quality assurance,
skilled professionals, and cutting-edge technology.

  • A history of successful projects and satisfied clients.
  • Adopting the latest technologies .
  • Commitment to Excellence.


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Sourav Mohanty

Marketing manager of Bhagabati